Clan X is Back !

Clan X was Created in 1999, to give our small group a name that we could use at Lan Bash’s. We played at the Dreams Lan City in Seaford Victoria, and played Tribes, UT, Counter Strike, Quake 3, The Tom Clancy Series, Hidden And Dangerous etc etc etc..

In those formative years Day Of Defeat, Firearms, Counter Strike, and a number of other Mods for the Half Life engine were released. There were many we liked but Day Of Defeat has stuck around, and continues to be our favorite.

Although many members have come and gone over the 20++ years, many still remain holding true to our Motto…..

              " we strive to have fun... nothing else required....."

We are a very laid back group now days, but we also have a SCRIM group that takes it very seriously, and if you are interested in real Competition please leave a post in the appropriate section of our forums.

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